Yellow September: suicide prevention month
A shower of blessings in the North Zone of Rio de Janeiro
21/12/2023The service was attended by pastors and collaborators

On December 5th, the collaborators’ service took place, a traditional meeting with employees and pastors who work for the ministry of God and help spread the Gospel through TV, newspapers, magazines, radio and social media.
In addition to celebrating another year preaching the Word of Christ, Dr. Soares’ birthday was celebrated, with much joy, praise, worship and blessings. The service had the participation of Israel Soares, Kelly Benigno, Tiago Peres and featured a beautiful video tribute to Dr. Soares, recorded by employees from some departments of the company.

Dr. Soares arrived with great joy and anointing to celebrate with those present, praising God for his life. And to show, once again, how great the Lord Jesus is, he invited collaborator Diego Fraguas, editor-in-chief of Turminha da Graça, to give his testimony about his son Vicente, who, in 2021, at the age of three, was diagnosed with metastatic cancer throughout his body.

“Everyone at the hospital asked if we only had one child, it was as if they were asking if we had another child to comfort us. And God gave me the Word of Lazarus, telling me that the miracle would happen, and I kept it in my heart. So, one day, I came home, very sad and desolate with the whole situation, I turned on the TV and saw Dr. Soares preaching about Lazarus, confirming the Word that God had placed in my heart.” After a while, Diego saw the miracle happen in his son’s life: through Dr. Soares’ faith and prayer, the boy received healing.
“Today, it’s been two years since everything happened. He underwent the treatment and, in the latest exams, it was found that all the metastatic cancer was gone. It was truly a miracle; I see the powerful hand of the Lord in my son’s life.”
Based on the text of Matthew 9.19-22, Dr. R. R. Soares ministered about how much we should trust the Word that God gives us: “So Jesus arose and followed him, and so did His disciples. And suddenly, a woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years came from behind and touched the hem of His garment. For she said to herself, “If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well.” But Jesus turned around, and when He saw her He said, “Be of good cheer, daughter; your faith has made you well.” And the woman was made well from that hour”.

“The door that Jesus closes no one opens, the door that Jesus opens no one closes. Continue with faith in the Word of Jesus, trusting in what you felt, because, when I am preaching, God is working in everyone’s hearts. And when you open up, you receive revelation. Trust it, don’t let it go”, says Dr. Soares.

Dr. R. R. Soares watched, with his entire family, a beautiful tribute in celebration of his birthday, talking about his dedication to the Gospel and showing, in numbers and testimonies, how much the ministry of the International Grace of God Church has changed and continues to change lives.